11  Numerical solutions of PDEs

2023-24 note

Numerical solutions of PDEs was only briefly touched upon during the lectures (and is accompanied by some investigation in the problem set). However, the material in this section is non-examinable. You are not expected to know how to apply finite-difference schemes to solve PDEs.

Like the subject of numerical solutions of ODEs, you will only be given a very brief introduction to how PDEs are solved based on the simplest (Euler) scheme.

Let us consider the solution of the heat equation on a finite interval: \[ \begin{gathered} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}, \\ u(0, t) = 1, \quad u(1, t) = 2, \quad u(x, 0) = 2. \end{gathered} \]

11.1 Finite difference problem

We consider a discretisation of the spatial domain \(x \in [0, 1]\) via the \((N+1)\) points \[ x_0 = 0, \quad x_1 = \Delta x, \quad x_2 = 2\Delta x, \quad \ldots , \quad x_{N+1} = 1. \] Typicall \(\Delta x\) is small. We also have time steps of size \(\Delta t\), and thus going from \(t_0 = 0\), \(t_1 = \Delta t\), and so forth. We represent the solution by the indexing scheme: \[ u(x_j, t_k) = u_{j}^j. \]

Like for Euler’s method, we consider the approximation of the time derivative as follows: \[ \left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\right)_j^k \approx \frac{u_j^{k+1} - u_j^k}{\Delta t}, \qquad \text{for $0 \leq j \leq N+1$, $k \geq 0$}. \]

In order to approximate the second-order derivative, Hwe will use \[ \left(\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right)_j^k \approx \frac{u_{j+1}^k - 2 u_j^k + u_{j-1}^k}{(\Delta x)^2}, \qquad \text{$1 \leq j \leq N$, $k \geq 0$}. \] Note that the finite difference cannot be applied directly to the first and last points (\(j = 0\) and \(j = N+1\)). Substituting the above finite differences into the heat equation, we see that we now have the prescription: \[ u_j^{k+1} = u_j^k + \frac{\Delta t}{(\Delta x)^2} \left[u_{j+1}^k - 2 u_j^k + u_{j-1}^k \right], \] which applies for \(j = 1, 2, \ldots, N\).

11.2 Boundary and initial conditions


The initial conditions are implemented by setting \[ u_j^0 = 2, \qquad \text{for $j = 0, 1, 2, \ldots, N+1$}. \] The boundary conditions require \[ u_0^k = 1 \quad \text{and} \quad u_{N+1}^k = 2, \quad \text{for all $k \geq 0$}. \]

During the lectures, we will examine script lecture14-SolvingPDEs.ipynb on the course scripts to see an example implementation. A similar application is applied in lecture15-winecellar.ipynb to solve a heat equation.