4 Problem class 1
In this problem class, we will practice some concepts about non-dimensionalising in preparation for the Problem Set 1 in Chapter 26. We will cover these two strategies in choosing scalings.
Here are the problems we shall do in the problem class.
4.1 Projectile motion
A projectile of mass \(M\) (in kg) is launched vertically with initial velocity \(V_0\) (in m/s) from a position \(Y_0\) (in m) above the surface. Thus the mass’s position, \(Y(t)\) is governed by Newton’s second law (applied to the mass and the mass of the Earth) and the set of equations \[ \begin{gathered} M Y_{tt} = - \frac{g R_E^2 M}{(R_E + Y)^2}, \\ Y(0) = Y_0, \end{gathered} \] where \(g = 9.81 m/s^2\) and \(R_E = 6.4 \times 10^6 m\) is the radius of the Earth.
Non-dimensionalise the equation using arbitary length and time scales.
Identify the non-dimensional constants, \(\Pi_i\).
Choose a length scale of \(L = Y_0\) and time scale of \(T = (L/g)^{1/2}\). Discuss the resultant equation and the interpretation of choosing these scales.
Does your above choice allow you to easily study the limit of \(R_E \to \infty\)? If the limit can be taken, reduce the governing system to a simpler equation.
Does your choice in 3. allow you to easily study the limit of \(Y_0 \to 0\)? If not, choose an alternative choice of length and time scales and in that case, reduce the set of equations.
4.2 Terminal velocity
A ball of radius \(R\) (in m) and uniform density \(\rho\) (in kg/m3) falls in a viscous fluid. The fluid has density \(\rho_f\) (in kg/m3) and viscosity (a measure of friction or resistance) \(\mu\) (in kg/(m s)). The equation that governs the velocity is \[ \begin{gathered} \frac{4}{3} \pi R^3 \rho \frac{\mathrm{d}V}{\mathrm{d}t} = \frac{4}{3} \pi R^3 (\rho - \rho_f) g - 6\pi \mu R V, \\ V(0) = V_0. \end{gathered} \]
Choose appropriate velocity and time scales to non-dimensionalise the equation so as to leave only a single non-dimensional number on the drag term (the last term on the right hand-side).
Define the non-dimensional parameter expressing a ratio between drag force and gravity force by the Stokes number (St) and confirm that it is \[ St = \frac{9\mu V_0}{2(\rho - \rho_f) g R^3}. \]
Comment on the two limits of \(St \to 0\) and \(St \to \infty\). Can the problem be reduced in these two limits? If so, reduce and solve.